Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome to 2010

So now is the time of year when people make resolutions for the new year. Things like lose weight, get a boyfriend, or do better in school. I would like to make a couple knitting resolutions for the year.

1) I would like to make a pair of socks, I have started to make a pair but they are very difficult so I stopped after one sock.

2) I would like try to make a sweater. The thought of making a sweater has always intimidated me but now that I know how to knit on circular needles the feat is not as scary.

3) I want my knitting club to actually have members. I know this is not strictly related to knitting itself but whatever. I hope that we can attract members to carry on the club when I leave.

4)To finish every project I start. I have the nasty habit of starting a project than not finishing it. So I resolve to finish every project I start.

5) Finally I resolve to be happy, again not strictly related to knitting. I will be happy with every knitting project I do, maybe even knit something for myself. But I will also be happy in life.

So those are my resolutions for the new year. Good luck in the new year remember to live life to the fullest.